All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractContentDeliveryConfig |
AbstractDateTimeDV |
This is the base class of all date/time datatype validators.
AbstractDOMParser |
This is the base class of all DOM parsers.
AbstractFilter |
Content filter.
AbstractFilterProvider |
AbstractInjector<M extends Member> |
AbstractInterceptorVisitor |
AbstractInterceptorVisitor.Invocation<T extends Visitor> |
AbstractInterceptorVisitor.VisitAfterInvocation |
AbstractInterceptorVisitor.VisitBeforeInvocation |
AbstractInterceptorVisitor.VisitChildElementInvocation |
AbstractInterceptorVisitor.VisitChildTextInvocation |
AbstractLifecyclePhase |
AbstractMBean |
AbstractOutputStreamResource |
AbstractOuputStreamResource is the base class for handling output stream
resources in Smooks.
AbstractParser |
Abstract Parser.
AbstractReportGenerator |
Abstract execution report generator.
AbstractSAXParser |
This is the base class of all SAX parsers.
AbstractSAXParser.AttributesProxy |
AbstractSAXParser.LocatorProxy |
AbstractSelectorPath |
AbstractSelectorStep |
AbstractVisitorMemento |
AbstractXMLDocumentParser |
This is the base class for all XML document parsers.
AfterVisitor |
Applies an operation immediately after the Element 's end tag.
AllSelectorStep |
AnnotatedClass |
The annotated class is a class or interface inheriting all
annotations of a superclass and base interfaces.
AnnotatedMethod |
The annotated method is a wrapping for some method
providing inheritance of all annotations of the method
being overridden by this one.
AnnotationManager |
The core class for wrapping classes as annotated classes.
AnySimpleDV |
Represent the schema type "anySimpleType"
Represent the schema type "anyURI"
ApplicationContext |
Application-scoped service locator.
ApplicationContextBuilder |
ASCIIReader |
A simple ASCII byte reader.
AssemblyStartedDOMFilterLifecyclePhase |
AssertArgument |
Argument assertion utilities.
AttributeImpl |
AttributeMap |
AttributeMap inherits from NamedNodeMapImpl and extends it to deal with the
specifics of storing attributes.
AttributePredicate |
AttributePSVI |
Represents a PSVI item for one attribute information item.
AttributePSVImpl |
Attribute PSV infoset augmentations implementation.
AttributeSelectorStep |
AttributesProxy |
AttrImpl |
Attribute represents an XML-style attribute of an
AttrImpl |
This class represents a single attribute.
AttrNSImpl |
AttrNSImpl inherits from AttrImpl and adds namespace support.
Augmentations |
The Augmentations interface defines a table of additional data that may
be passed along the document pipeline.
AugmentationsImpl |
This class provides an implementation for Augmentations interface.
Base64 |
This class provides encode/decode for RFC 2045 Base64 as
defined by RFC 2045, N.
Base64BinaryDV |
Represent the schema type "base64Binary"
BaseDVFactory |
the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
BaseMarkupSerializer |
BaseSchemaDVFactory |
the base factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
BasicExecutionEventListener |
BasicParserConfiguration |
A very basic parser configuration.
BasicProfile |
Basic device profile.
BeanContext |
Bean Context
BeanContextLifecycleEvent |
An event when a lifecycle event has happend to a bean.
BeanContextLifecycleObserver |
An object that observes for Bean lifecycle events
BeanId |
Bean Id
BeanIdStore |
Bean Id Store
BeanLifecycle |
BeforeVisitor |
Applies an operation immediately after the Element 's start tag.
BenchmarkAaltoXMLReader |
BenchmarkApp |
BenchmarkVisitor |
BibliographyVisitor |
BigDecimalToStringConverterFactory |
BigIntegerToStringConverterFactory |
BinaryConverterFactory |
The BinaryDecoder validates that CharacterSequence only consists of zeros and ones.
BMPattern |
Boyer-Moore searcher.
BooleanConverterFactory |
BooleanDV |
Represent the schema type "boolean"
Bridge |
Represents a bridge node and provides convenience methods to retrieve attribute values from the node.
BridgeAwareExecutionEventListener |
BridgeInterceptor |
ByteConverterFactory |
Byte Decoder
ByteList |
The ByteList is an immutable ordered collection of
byte .
ByteListImpl |
Implementation of .
ByteResult |
ByteSource |
CachingParserPool |
A parser pool that enables caching of grammars.
CachingParserPool.ShadowedGrammarPool |
Shadowed grammar pool.
CachingParserPool.SynchronizedGrammarPool |
Synchronized grammar pool.
CalendarConverterFactory |
CascadingClassLoaderSet |
CDATASectionImpl |
XML provides the CDATA markup to allow a region of text in which
most of the XML delimiter recognition does not take place.
CharacterConverterFactory |
CharacterDataImpl |
CharacterData is an abstract Node that can carry character data as its
CharactersImpl |
CharDataFragmentExecutionEvent |
CharsetConverterFactory |
String data decoder.
ChildNode |
ChildNode inherits from NodeImpl and adds the capability of being a child by
having references to its previous and next siblings.
ChildrenVisitor |
Applies an operation on each Element child.
ClassConverterFactory |
Class decoder.
ClassUtils |
Utility methods to aid in class/resource loading.
CloneResourceConfig |
CMAny |
Content model any node.
CMBinOp |
Content model Bin-Op node.
CMBuilder |
This class constructs content models for a given grammar.
CMLeaf |
Content model leaf node.
CMNode |
A content model node.
CMNodeFactory |
CMStateSet |
This class is a very simple bitset class.
CMUniOp |
Content model Uni-Op node.
CommentImpl |
Represents an XML (or HTML) comment.
CommentImpl |
ConfigSearch |
Configuration lookup metadata.
Configurable |
Configurable component.
ConfigurableValidationState |
An extension of ValidationState which can be configured to turn
off checking for ID/IDREF errors and unparsed entity errors.
Constants |
Commonly used constants.
Consumer |
Object Consumer interface.
ConsumeSerializerVisitor |
Consumes a node and serializes it to the execution result stream.
ConsumeSerializerVisitor.ElementMemento |
ContainerResourceLocator |
Interface for locating stream resources from the container..
ContentDeliveryBuilderCreatedLifecyclePhase |
ContentDeliveryConfig |
Content delivery configuration.
ContentDeliveryConfigBuilder |
ContentDeliveryConfigCreatedLifecyclePhase |
ContentDeliveryConfigExecutionEvent |
Configuration Builder Event.
ContentDeliveryConfigLifecycle |
ContentDeliveryRuntime |
ContentDeliveryRuntimeFactory |
ContentHandler |
Smooks resource which can be targeted for content delivery by the Smooks engine.
ContentHandlerBinding<T extends ContentHandler> |
Mapping between a resource configuration and its corresponding resource
ContentHandlerBindingIndex<T extends ContentHandler> |
ContentHandlerFactory<T> |
ContentHandler factory interface.
ContentHandlerFactoryLookup |
ContentHandlersCreatedLifecyclePhase |
ContentModelValidator |
ContextObjectSerializerVisitor |
CoreDocumentImpl |
The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
CoreDOMImplementationImpl |
The DOMImplementation class is description of a particular
implementation of the Document Object Model.
CounterVisitor |
CsvConverterFactory |
CustomResourceConfigSeqLookup |
DatatypeException |
Base class for datatype exceptions.
DatatypeFactoryImpl |
Factory that creates new javax.xml.datatype Object s that map XML to/from Java Object s.
DatatypeMessageFormatter |
Used to format JAXP 1.3 Datatype API error messages using a specified locale.
DatatypeValidator |
The interface that a DTD datatype must implement.
DateDV |
Validator for datatype (W3C Schema datatypes)
DateLocaleAwareTypeConverter<S,T> |
LocaleAwareDateDecoder is a decoder 'helper' that can be subclassed by Date decoders to enable
them to use locale specific date formats.
DateTimeDV |
Validator for <dateTime> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
DateToStringConverterFactory |
DateToStringLocaleAwareConverter<S extends Date> |
DayDV |
Validator for <gDay> datatype (W3C Schema datatypes)
DecimalDV |
Represent the schema type "decimal"
DeepNodeListImpl |
This class implements the DOM's NodeList behavior for
DefaultApplicationContext |
Standalone container execution context for Smooks.
DefaultApplicationContextBuilder |
DefaultBeanContextLifecycleEvent |
DefaultBeanId |
DefaultBeanIdStore |
DefaultConfigSearch |
DefaultContentDeliveryConfigBuilder |
Content delivery configuration builder.
DefaultContentDeliveryConfigBuilder.Event |
DefaultContentDeliveryConfigExecutionEvent |
DefaultContentDeliveryRuntime |
DefaultContentDeliveryRuntimeFactory |
DefaultContentHandlerBinding<T extends ContentHandler> |
DefaultDocument |
DefaultDOMSerializerVisitor |
DefaultElement |
DefaultErrorHandler |
Default error handler.
DefaultExecutionContext |
Standalone Container Request implementation.
DefaultInstrumentationAgent |
DefaultInstrumentationAgentFactory |
DefaultInstrumentationResource |
DefaultLifecycleManager |
DefaultMementoCaretaker |
DefaultNamespaceContext |
A NamespaceContext which only
contains bindings for the xml and xmlns prefixes.
DefaultNode |
DefaultParameter<T> |
DefaultPredicateEvaluator |
DefaultProfileSet |
Default ProfileSet implementation.
DefaultProfileStore |
Default ProfileStore implementation.
DefaultProfileTargetingExpression |
DefaultProfileTargetingExpression.ExpressionToken |
Profile targeting expression token.
DefaultReaderPool |
DefaultReaderPoolFactory |
DefaultRegistry |
DefaultResourceConfig |
DefaultResourceConfigFactory |
DefaultResourceConfigSeq |
DefaultResourceConfigSortComparator |
DefaultText |
The Text interface inherits from CharacterData
and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an
Element or Attr .
DefaultTypeConverterDescriptor<S extends Type,T extends Type> |
DefaultTypeConverterFactory |
DefaultXMLDocumentHandler |
DeferredAttrImpl |
Attribute represents an XML-style attribute of an
DeferredAttrNSImpl |
DeferredAttrNSImpl is to AttrNSImpl, what DeferredAttrImpl is to
DeferredCDATASectionImpl |
XML provides the CDATA markup to allow a region of text in which
most of the XML delimiter recognition does not take place.
DeferredCommentImpl |
Represents an XML (or HTML) comment.
DeferredDocumentImpl |
The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
DeferredDocumentTypeImpl |
This class represents a Document Type declaraction in
the document itself, not a Document Type Definition (DTD).
DeferredDOMImplementationImpl |
This DOMImplementation class is description of a particular
implementation of the Document Object Model.
DeferredElementDefinitionImpl |
NON-DOM CLASS: Describe one of the Elements (and its associated
Attributes) defined in this Document Type.
DeferredElementImpl |
Elements represent most of the "markup" and structure of the
DeferredElementNSImpl |
DeferredElementNSImpl is to ElementNSImpl, what DeferredElementImpl is to
DeferredEntityImpl |
Entity nodes hold the reference data for an XML Entity -- either
parsed or unparsed.
DeferredEntityReferenceImpl |
EntityReference models the XML &entityname; syntax, when used for
entities defined by the DOM.
DeferredNode |
An interface for deferred node object.
DeferredNotationImpl |
Notations are how the Document Type Description (DTD) records hints
about the format of an XML "unparsed entity" -- in other words,
non-XML data bound to this document type, which some applications
may wish to consult when manipulating the document.
DeferredProcessingInstructionImpl |
Processing Instructions (PIs) permit documents to carry
processor-specific information alongside their actual content.
DeferredTextImpl |
Text nodes hold the non-markup, non-Entity content of
an Element or Attribute.
DelegateReader |
DFAContentModel |
DFAContentModel is the derivative of ContentModel that does
all of the non-trivial element content validation.
DocType |
DOCTYPE utility class.
DocType.DocumentTypeData |
DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl |
DocumentBuilderImpl |
DocumentFragmentImpl |
DocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document
DocumentImpl |
The Document interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
DocumentInputSource |
DocumentSelectorStep |
DocumentTypeImpl |
This class represents a Document Type declaraction in
the document itself, not a Document Type Definition (DTD).
DollarBraceDecoder |
Decoder for Strings containing "${xxxxx}" type patterns.
DOMBuilderContentHandler |
DOM Document builder.
DOMConfigurationImpl |
Xerces implementation of DOMConfiguration that maintains a table of recognized parameters.
DOMContentDeliveryConfig |
DOMElementVisitor |
Element Visitor (GoF) interface for DOM.
DOMEntityResolverWrapper |
This class wraps DOM entity resolver to XNI entity resolver.
DOMErrorHandlerWrapper |
This class handles DOM errors .
DOMErrorImpl |
DOMErrorImpl is an implementation that describes an error.
DOMFilterLifecycle |
DOMFilterProvider |
DOMImplementationImpl |
The DOMImplementation class is description of a particular
implementation of the Document Object Model.
DOMImplementationListImpl |
This class implements the DOM Level 3 Core interface DOMImplementationList.
DOMImplementationSourceImpl |
Supply one the right implementation, based upon requested features.
DOMInputImpl |
This Class DOMInputImpl represents a single input source for an XML entity.
DOMInputSource |
An XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource .
DOMLocatorImpl |
DOMLocatorImpl is an implementaion that describes a location (e.g.
DOMMessageFormatter |
Used to format DOM error messages, using the system locale.
DOMModel |
Node model.
DomModelCreator |
DOM Node Model creator.
DOMNormalizer |
This class adds implementation for normalizeDocument method.
DOMOutputImpl |
This class represents an output destination for data.
DOMParser |
Smooks DOM data stream parser.
DOMParser |
This is the main Xerces DOM parser class.
DOMParserImpl |
This is Xerces DOM Builder class.
DOMReader |
SAXWriter writes a DOM tree to a SAX ContentHandler.
DOMReport |
DOM Execution Report.
DomSerializer |
Default SerializationUnit implementation.
DOMSerializer |
DOMSerializerImpl |
DOMSerializerVisitor |
DOMStringListImpl |
DOM Level 3
This class implements the DOM Level 3 Core interface DOMStringList.
DOMUtil |
Some useful utility methods.
DomUtils |
W3C DOM utility methods.
DOMVisitAfter |
DOM Visit after events.
DOMVisitBefore |
DOM Visit before events.
DOMVisitor |
DOM Visitor.
DOMXSImplementationSourceImpl |
Allows to retrieve XSImplementation , DOM Level 3 Core and LS implementations
and PSVI implementation.
DoubleDV |
Represent the schema type "double"
DoubleToStringConverterFactory |
Double decoder.
DTDConfiguration |
This is the DTD-only parser configuration.
DTDDVFactory |
The factory to create and return DTD types.
DTDDVFactoryImpl |
the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
DTDGrammar |
A DTD grammar.
DTDGrammar.QNameHashtable |
A simple Hashtable implementation that takes a tuple (String, String)
as the key and a int as value.
DTDGrammarBucket |
This very simple class is the skeleton of what the DTDValidator could use
to store various grammars that it gets from the GrammarPool.
DTDImpl |
DTDParser |
DurationDV |
Validator for <duration> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
DVFactoryException |
A runtime exception that's thrown if an error happens when the application
tries to get a DV factory instance.
DynamicReaderPool |
A pool of readers without an upper bound which means that it grows on-demand.
ElementDefinitionImpl |
NON-DOM CLASS: Describe one of the Elements (and its associated
Attributes) defined in this Document Type.
ElementImpl |
Elements represent most of the "markup" and structure of the
ElementImpl |
ElementNSImpl |
ElementNSImpl inherits from ElementImpl and adds namespace support.
ElementPositionCounter |
Element position counter.
ElementPSVI |
Represents a PSVI item for one element information item.
ElementPSVImpl |
Element PSV infoset augmentations implementation.
ElementSelectorStep |
ElementState |
ElementVisitor |
Applies an operation:
immediately after the Element 's start tag
on each chunk of character data
on each child Element
immediately after the Element 's end tag
EmptyLocation |
Location which always returns -1
and null from its methods.
EncodingInfo |
EncodingMap |
EncodingMap is a convenience class which handles conversions between
IANA encoding names and Java encoding names, and vice versa.
Encodings |
EndDocumentImpl |
EndElementEvent |
End element event replay.
EndElementImpl |
EndFragmentExecutionEvent<T> |
Element Present Event.
ENTITYDatatypeValidator |
ENTITYDatatypeValidator implements the
DatattypeValidator interface.
EntityDeclarationImpl |
EntityDV |
Represent the schema type "entity"
EntityImpl |
Entity nodes hold the reference data for an XML Entity -- either
parsed or unparsed.
EntityReferenceImpl |
EntityReference models the XML &entityname; syntax, when used for
entities defined by the DOM.
EntityReferenceImpl |
EntityResolver2Wrapper |
This class wraps a SAX entity resolver (EntityResolver2) in an XNI entity resolver.
EntityResolverWrapper |
This class wraps a SAX entity resolver in an XNI entity resolver.
EntityState |
The entity state interface defines methods that must be implemented
by components that store information about entity declarations, as well as by
entity validator that will need to validate attributes of type entity.
EnumTypeConverterFactory |
EnumTypeConverterFactory.EnumTypeConverter |
ErrorHandlerProxy |
ErrorHandlerWrapper |
This class wraps a SAX error handler in an XNI error handler.
EventImpl |
EventImpl is an implementation of the basic "generic" DOM Level 2 Event
ExceptionInterceptor |
ExecutionContext |
Runtime context of a filter execution.
ExecutionContextExpressionEvaluator |
ExecutionEvent |
Abstract Smooks execution event.
ExecutionEventInterceptor |
ExecutionEventListener |
Execution event listener.
Export |
An Export instance represents information about the type of data that Smooks can produce/export.
Exports |
An Exports instance holds a Map of Export s that Smooks
ExportsLookup |
ExpressionEvaluationException |
Expression evaluation exception.
ExpressionEvaluator |
Abstract expression evaluator interface.
ExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
ExtendedSchemaDVFactoryImpl |
A special factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
that includes anyAtomicType, yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration
ExtensionContext |
Context object used by Smooks configuration extension visitors.
ExternalResourceLocator |
Interface for locating stream resources external to the container.
ExternalSubsetResolver |
This interface extends XMLEntityResolver providing
a method to resolve external subsets for documents which do not
explicitly provide one.
Field |
Schema identity constraint field.
Field.XPath |
Field XPath.
FieldActivator |
Interface for a field activator.
FieldInjector |
FileConverterFactory |
FileUtils |
File utilities.
Filter |
Filter |
Classpath resource filter.m
FilterBypass |
Filter bypass interface.
FilterLifecycle |
FilterProvider |
Produces a ContentDeliveryConfig for a given sequence of visitor bindings.
FilterResult |
Filtration/Transformation Result .
FilterSettings |
Smooks filter settings for programmatic configuration of the Smooks instance.
FilterSource |
Filtration/Transformation Source .
FlatReportGenerator |
FloatDV |
Represent the schema type "float"
FloatToStringConverterFactory |
Float decoder.
Fragment<T> |
Wrapper for a fragment object.
FragmentExecutionEvent<T> |
An element processing related event.
FragmentWriter |
FreeMarkerConverterFactory |
FreeMarkerTemplate |
FreeMarker template.
FreeMarkerUtils |
FreeMarker utility class.
FullDVFactory |
the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
GenericReaderConfigurator |
Generic reader configurator.
GhostElementSerializerVisitor |
Ghost element serialization unit.
GlobalParamsLookup |
Grammar |
A generic grammar for use in validating XML documents.
HexBin |
format validation
This class encodes/decodes hexadecimal data
HexBinaryDV |
Represent the schema type "hexBinary"
HierarchyChangeListener |
Hierarchy change listener.
HierarchyChangeReader |
HsqlServer |
HTMLdtd |
HTMLEntityLookup |
HtmlReportGenerator |
HTMLSerializer |
HTTPInputSource |
This class represents an input source for an XML resource
retrievable over HTTP.
IDDatatypeValidator |
IDDatatypeValidator - ID represents the ID attribute
type from XML 1.0 Recommendation.
Represent the schema type "ID"
IdentityConstraint |
Base class of Schema identity constraint.
IDREFDatatypeValidator |
IDREFDatatypeValidator - represents the IDREFS
attribute type from XML 1.0 recommendation.
Represent the schema type "IDREF"
IllegalBeanRepositoryModification |
ImmutableLocation |
An immutable StAX Location .
IndentPrinter |
IndexedSelectorPath |
Injector |
InstanceLookup<T> |
Collects all registry entries containing values with type InstanceLookup
InstanceOfFilter |
Filter classpath classes based on their type.
InstrumentationAgent |
InstrumentationAgentFactory |
InstrumentationInterceptor |
InstrumentationResource |
IntegerDV |
Represent the schema type "integer"
IntegerToStringConverterFactory |
Integer Decoder.
IntegratedParserConfiguration |
This is configuration uses a scanner that integrates both scanning of the document
and binding namespaces.
InterceptorsResource |
InterceptorVisitor |
InterceptorVisitorChainFactory |
InterceptorVisitorChainFactoryLookup |
InterceptorVisitorDefinition |
IntStack |
A simple integer based stack.
InvalidDatatypeFacetException |
Datatype exception for invalid facet.
InvalidDatatypeValueException |
Datatype exception for invalid values.
IsAnnotationPresentFilter |
Classpath filter for finding classes that are annotated with a particular annotation.
ItemPSVI |
Represents an abstract PSVI item for an element or an attribute
information item.
JavaContentHandlerFactory |
Java ContentHandler instance creator.
JavaResult |
Java filtration/transformation result.
JavaResult.ResultMap<K,V> |
JavaSource |
Java Filtration/Transformation Source .
JavaSourceWithoutEventStream |
JavaXMLReader |
JaxenPatternSelectorPath |
JAXPConstants |
This interface holds JAXP constant property/attribute names and values.
JAXPNamespaceContextWrapper |
A read-only XNI wrapper around a JAXP NamespaceContext.
KeyRef |
Schema key reference identity constraint.
Latin1Reader |
Reader for the ISO-8859-1 encoding.
LifecycleManager |
LifecycleManagerLookup |
LifecyclePhase |
LineSeparator |
ListDatatypeValidator |
ListDV |
Represent the schema list types
LocalDTDEntityResolver |
DTD resolver for local DTD's.
LocaleAwareTypeConverter<S,T> |
LocaleAwareDecoder is a decoder 'helper' that can be subclassed by any DataDecoder
implementation that relies on Locale information to perform
Data Decoding.
LocalEntityResolver |
XSD resolver for local XSD's.
LocalXSDEntityResolver |
XSD resolver for local XSD's.
LocatorProxy |
LongToStringConverterFactory |
Long decoder.
LSInputList |
The LSInputList interface provides the abstraction of an
ordered collection of LSInput s, without defining or
constraining how this collection is implemented.
LSInputListImpl |
Contains a list of LSInputs.
MalformedByteSequenceException |
Signals that a malformed byte sequence was detected
by a that decodes bytes
of a given encoding into characters.
ManagedAttribute |
ManagedNotification |
ManagedNotifications |
ManagedOperation |
ManagedReaderPool |
ManagedResource |
A class level annotation to mark the class as being managed in the JMX server.
ManagedResourceConfig |
ManagedVisitor |
MappingTypeConverterFactory |
MappingTypeConverterFactory.MappingTypeConverter |
MapToResourceConfigFromAttribute |
Map a property value onto the current ResourceConfig based on an
element attribute value.
MapToResourceConfigFromParentConfig |
MapToResourceConfigFromText |
Map a property value onto the current ResourceConfig based on an
elements text content.
MapToResourceConfigFromXml |
Map a property value onto the current ResourceConfig based on an
elements text content.
Match |
An instance of this class has ranges captured in matching.
MBean |
Memento |
MementoCaretaker |
MessageFormatter |
This interface provides a generic message formatting mechanism and
is useful for producing messages that must be localized and/or formatted
with replacement text.
MessageNode |
Message Node.
Method |
MethodInjector |
MixedContentModel |
MixedContentModel is a derivative of the abstract content model base
class that handles the special case of mixed model elements.
ModelMBeanAssembler |
ModelMBeanInfoHelper |
MonthDayDV |
Validator for <gMonthDay> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
MonthDV |
Validator for <gMonth> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
MouseEventImpl |
An implementation of the DOM Level 2 MouseEvent interface.
MultiLineToStringBuilder |
Static utility class for generating JSON like multi line Strings
from Maps, List, Arrays and the ExecutionContext.
MultipleScopeNamespaceSupport |
This implementation of NamespaceContext has the ability to maintain multiple
scopes of namespace/prefix bindings.
MutationEventImpl |
An implementation of the DOM Level 2 MutationEvent interface.
MVELExpressionEvaluator |
MVEL expression evaluator.
MvelExpressionEvaluatorConverterFactory |
MVELTemplate |
MVELVariables |
The MVELVariables is utility class for MVEL.
NamedNodeMapImpl |
NamedNodeMaps represent collections of Nodes that can be accessed
by name.
NamedNodeMapImpl |
NamedSelectorStep |
Namespace |
XML Namespace URI static definitions.
NamespaceContext |
Represents an interface to query namespace information.
NamespaceDeclarationStack |
This class is responsible for managing namespace declarations.
NamespaceDeclarationStackAware |
Namespace declaration stack aware interface.
NamespaceImpl |
NamespaceManager |
Namespace Mappings.
NamespaceManagerLookup |
NamespaceSupport |
Namespace support for XML document handlers.
NameTypeConverterFactoryLookup<S,T> |
NestedSmooksVisitor |
NestedSmooksVisitor.Action |
NewResourceConfig |
NMTOKENDatatypeValidator |
NMTOKEN datatype validator.
NodeFragment |
NodeFragment.Reservation |
NodeImpl |
NodeImpl provides the basic structure of a DOM tree.
NodeImpl |
NodeIteratorImpl |
DefaultNodeIterator implements a NodeIterator, which iterates a
DOM tree in the expected depth first way.
NonValidatingConfiguration |
This is the non validating parser configuration.
NOTATIONDatatypeValidator |
NOTATIONValidator defines the interface that data type validators must obey.
NotationDeclarationImpl |
NotationImpl |
Notations are how the Document Type Description (DTD) records hints
about the format of an XML "unparsed entity" -- in other words,
non-XML data bound to this document type, which some applications
may wish to consult when manipulating the document.
NullReader |
Null Reader.
NullSourceXMLReader |
Null Source reader.
NullWriter |
Null writer implementation.
NumberToStringConverter<S extends Number> |
NumberTypeConverter<S,T> |
Abstract Number based DataDecoder.
NumberTypeConverter.NumberType |
ObjectList |
The ObjectList is an immutable ordered collection of
Object .
ObjectListImpl |
Contains a list of Objects.
OutputFormat |
OutputFormat.Defaults |
OutputFormat.DTD |
Parameter<T> |
ResourceConfig Parameter.
ParameterAccessor |
Accessor class for looking up global parameters.
ParameterDecodeException |
Unable to decode smooks-resource parameter value.
ParameterDecoder<T> |
Abstract Parameter Decoder.
ParameterizedVisitor |
ParentNode |
ParentNode inherits from ChildNode and adds the capability of having child
ParseException |
ParserConfigurationSettings |
This class implements the basic operations for managing parser
configuration features and properties.
PatternParser |
PatternParser.NameNamespaceCompositeTest |
PayloadProcessor |
Processor class for an abstract payload type.
Phase |
Phase phase annotation.
PositionPredicateEvaluator |
PostConstructLifecyclePhase |
PostExecutionLifecycle |
Post Execution Lifecycle resource.
PostFilterLifecyclePhase |
PostFragmentLifecycle |
Post Fragment Lifecycle resource.
PostFragmentPhase |
PreDestroyLifecyclePhase |
Predicate |
PredicateEvaluator |
Jaxen XPath expression evaluator.
PreExecutionLifecycle |
Execution Lifecycle Initializable resource.
PreFilterLifecyclePhase |
PrefixNamespaceTest |
NamespaceTest tests for a given namespace URI.
Printer |
ProcessingInstructionImpl |
Processing Instructions (PIs) permit documents to carry
processor-specific information alongside their actual content.
ProcessingInstructionImpl |
ProcessingSet |
Processing set.
ProcessingStartedDOMFilterLifecyclePhase |
Producer |
Object Producer interface.
Profile |
ProfileConfigDigester |
Stream based profile configuration digester interface.
ProfileSet |
Profile Set.
ProfileStore |
ProfileStore interface.
ProfileTargetingExpression |
Represents a single parsed profile targeting expression.
PropertyListParameterDecoder |
PSVIAttrNSImpl |
Attribute namespace implementation; stores PSVI attribute items.
PSVIDocumentImpl |
Our own document implementation, which knows how to create an element
with PSVI information.
PSVIDOMImplementationImpl |
The DOMImplementation class is description of a particular
implementation of the Document Object Model.
PSVIElementNSImpl |
Element namespace implementation; stores PSVI element items.
PSVIProvider |
This interface provides access to the post schema validation infoset for an
API that provides a streaming document infoset, such as SAX, XNI, and
QName |
A structure that holds the components of an XML Namespaces qualified
QNameDV |
Represent the schema type "QName" and "NOTATION"
RangeExceptionImpl |
RangeImpl |
The RangeImpl class implements the org.w3c.dom.range.Range interface.
ReaderConfigurator |
Reader configurator.
ReaderPool |
ReaderPoolFactory |
Registry |
RegularExpression |
A regular expression matching engine using Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA).
Report |
Execution Report.
ReportConfiguration |
Report generation configuration.
ReportInfoNode |
Execution Node.
ResourceAwareEvent |
Smooks resource based event.
ResourceConfig |
Configuration of a Smooks resource.
ResourceConfigChangeListener |
ResourceConfigExpander |
Interface to allow configuration expansion.
ResourceConfigFactory |
ResourceConfigLoader |
ResourceConfigSeq |
ResourceConfigSeqFactory |
ResourceConfig Factory.
ResourceConfigSeqLookup |
ResourceConfigSeqsLookup |
ResourceConfigsLookup |
ResourceConfigSortComparator |
Sort Comparator for ResourceConfig Objects based on their "specificity".
ResourceConfigsProfileSetLookup |
Get all the ResourceConfig entries registered on this context store
for the specified profile set.
ResourceConfigUtils |
Resource Configuration Extension utility class.
ResourceOutputStream |
ResourceTargetingExecutionEvent<T> |
Resource targeting event.
ResourceWriter |
ResultExtractor<T extends Result> |
An extractor of results produces by Smooks.
ResultFactory |
Factory for javax.xml.transform.Result objects.
ResultNode |
Report result node.
ResultType |
Enum that represents the types of results that can be returned from
a container managed transform.
REUtil |
RevalidationHandler |
DOM Revalidation handler adds additional functionality to XMLDocumentHandler
SAXEventReplay |
SAX event replay interface.
SAXInputSource |
An XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource .
SAXLocatorWrapper |
A light wrapper around a SAX locator.
SAXMessageFormatter |
Used to format SAX error messages using a specified locale.
SaxNgContentDeliveryConfig |
SaxNgContentHandler |
SaxNgFilter |
SaxNgFilterProvider |
SaxNgParser |
SaxNgVisitor |
Applies operations on partial Element s.
SAXParser |
This is the main Xerces SAX parser class.
SAXParserFactoryImpl |
This is the implementation specific class for the
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory .
SAXParserImpl |
This is the implementation specific class for the
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser .
SAXParserImpl.JAXPSAXParser |
Extension of SAXParser.
SAXWriter |
SAXWriterAccessException |
SAXElement element writer access excecption.
Scanner |
Classpath scanner.
SchemaDateTimeException |
SchemaDOM |
SchemaDOMParser |
SchemaDVFactory |
Defines a factory API that enables applications to
SchemaDVFactoryImpl |
the factory to create/return built-in schema 1.0 DVs and create user-defined DVs
SchemaGrammar |
This class is to hold all schema component declaration that are declared
within one namespace.
SchemaGrammar.BuiltinSchemaGrammar |
SchemaGrammar.Schema4Annotations |
A partial schema for schemas for validating annotations.
SchemaNamespaceSupport |
This class customizes the behaviour of the util.NamespaceSupport
class in order to easily implement some features that we need for
efficient schema handling.
SchemaParsingConfig |
SchemaSymbols |
Collection of symbols used to parse a Schema Grammar.
Scope |
SecureProcessingConfiguration |
This configuration enhances Xerces support for the JAXP secure processing feature.
SecurityConfiguration |
This configuration allows Xerces to behave in a security-conscious manner; that is,
it permits applications to instruct Xerces to limit certain
operations that could be exploited by malicious document authors to cause a denail-of-service
attack when the document is parsed.
SecurityManager |
This class is a container for parser settings that relate to
security, or more specifically, it is intended to be used to prevent denial-of-service
attacks from being launched against a system running Xerces.
Selector |
Schema identity constraint selector.
Selector.XPath |
Schema identity constraint selector XPath expression.
SelectorPath |
SelectorPathFactory |
SelectorPathJaxenHandler |
SelectorStep |
SerializationStartedDOMFilterLifecyclePhase |
Serializer |
Node serializer.
Serializer |
SerializerFactory |
SerializerVisitor |
W3C Node Serailization interface definition.
SetOnResourceConfig |
ShadowedSymbolTable |
Shadowed symbol table.
ShortList |
The ShortList is an immutable ordered collection of
unsigned short .
ShortListImpl |
Contains a list of shorts.
ShortToStringConverterFactory |
Short Decoder
SimpleContentModel |
SimpleContentModel is a derivative of the abstract content model base
class that handles a small set of simple content models that are just
way overkill to give the DFA treatment.
SimpleLocator |
An XMLLocator implementation used for schema error reporting.
SimpleSelectorPath |
SimpleSerializerVisitor |
Serializes a node to the execution result stream.
SimpleVisitorMemento<T> |
Smooks |
Smooks executor class.
SmooksConfigException |
Exception occurring during the construction of a Smooks configuration.
SmooksContentHandler |
Abstract SAX Content Handler.
SmooksDOMFilter |
Smooks DOM based content filtering class.
SmooksException |
Exception originating from the Smooks framework.
SmooksFactory |
A factory that creates Smooks instances.
SmooksUtil |
SmooksXMLReader |
SoftReferenceSymbolTable |
This symbol table uses SoftReferences to its String entries, which means that table entries
that have no references to them can be garbage collected when memory is needed.
SoftReferenceSymbolTable.SREntry |
This class is a symbol table entry.
SoftReferenceSymbolTable.SREntryData |
SoftReferenceSymbolTableConfiguration |
This parser configuration extends the default configuration allowing Xerces to
handle usage scenarios where the names in the XML documents being parsed are mostly
unique by installing a memory sensitive SymbolTable .
Sorter |
Sorter.SortOrder |
SourceFactory |
Factory for creating javax.xml.transform.Source objects.
SourceResult |
SourceTargetTypeConverterFactoryLookup<S,T> |
SqlDateConverterFactory |
SqlDateConverterFactory.SqlDateTypeConverter |
SqlTimeConverterFactory |
SqlTimeConverterFactory.SqlTimeTypeConverter |
SqlTimestampConverterFactory |
StackedThreadLocal<T> |
Stacked ThreadLocal.
StandaloneBeanContext |
StandaloneBeanContextFactory |
The Bean Context Manager
StandardParserConfiguration |
This is the "standard" parser configuration.
StartDocumentImpl |
StartElementEvent |
End element event replay.
StartElementImpl |
StartFragmentExecutionEvent<T> |
Element Present Event.
StaticProxyInterceptor |
StAXInputSource |
An XMLInputSource analogue to javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource .
StAXLocationWrapper |
A light wrapper around a StAX location.
StdoutToLog4jFilter |
StoutToLog4jFilter is just a simple FileWriter implementation that
supresses output unless the log4j priority is set to debug.
Stream |
StreamFilterType |
Smooks filter type.
StreamResultWriter |
StreamResultWriterInterceptor |
StreamSourceLSInput |
StreamUtils |
Stream Utilities.
StringConverterFactory |
StringDatatypeValidator |
StringValidator validates that XML content is a W3C string type.
StringDV |
Represent the schema type "string"
StringList |
The StringList is an immutable ordered collection of
GenericString .
StringListImpl |
Contains a list of Strings.
StringResult |
StringSource |
StringToBigDecimalConverterFactory |
StringToBigIntegerConverterFactory |
StringToDateConverterFactory |
StringToDateConverterFactory.StringToDateConverter |
StringToDateLocaleAwareConverter<T> |
StringToDoubleConverterFactory |
Double decoder.
StringToDoubleConverterFactory.StringToDoubleTypeConverter |
StringToFloatConverterFactory |
Float decoder.
StringToIntegerConverterFactory |
Integer Decoder.
StringToLongConverterFactory |
Long decoder.
StringToShortConverterFactory |
Short Decoder
StringToXmlGregorianCalendarConverterFactory |
StringToXmlGregorianCalendarConverterFactory.StringToXmlGregorianCalendarConverter |
SubstitutionGroupHandler |
To store and validate information about substitutionGroup
SymbolHash |
This class is an unsynchronized hash table primary used for String
to Object mapping.
SymbolHash.Entry |
This class is a key table entry.
SymbolTable |
This class is a symbol table implementation that guarantees that
strings used as identifiers are unique references.
SymbolTable.Entry |
This class is a symbol table entry.
SynchronizedSymbolTable |
Synchronized symbol table.
SystemConsumeSerializerVisitor |
SystemResourceConfigSeqFactory |
TerminateException |
TerminateVisitor |
TextAccumulatorMemento |
TextAccumulatorVisitorMemento |
TextConsumer |
TextConsumerInterceptor |
TextImpl |
Text nodes hold the non-markup, non-Entity content of
an Element or Attribute.
TextImpl |
TextSerializer |
TextSerializerVisitor |
Write a <text> element.
TextType |
Text data type.
Time |
Pre-installed Time bean.
TimeDV |
Validator for <time> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
TokenizedStringParameterDecoder |
TreeWalkerImpl |
This class implements the TreeWalker interface.
TypeConverter<S,T> |
Converts an object from a source class to a target class.
TypeConverterDescriptor<S extends Type,T extends Type> |
TypeConverterException |
Data Decode Exception.
TypeConverterFactory<S,T> |
Creates a TypeConverter for converting objects of different types.
TypeConverterFactoryLoader |
TypeConverterFactoryLookup<S,T> |
TypedKey<T> |
Represents a type-safe key for mapping to an object.
TypedKey.DefaultTypedKey<T> |
TypedMap |
Stores key-value attributes that can be retrieved in a type-safe manner.
TypeValidator |
All primitive types plus ID/IDREF/ENTITY/INTEGER are derived from this abstract
UCSReader |
Reader for UCS-2 and UCS-4 encodings.
UIEventImpl |
An implementation of the DOM Level 2 UIEvent interface.
UnionDV |
Represent the schema union types
UniqueID |
Pre-installed UUID bean.
UniqueOrKey |
Schema unique or key identity constraint.
UnknownProfileMemberException |
Unknown profile member exception.
A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
URI.MalformedURIException |
MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI
or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an
invalid URI specification.
URIConverterFactory |
URIResourceLocator |
URIUtil |
URLConverterFactory |
UTF16Reader |
A UTF-16 reader.
UTF8Reader |
A UTF-8 reader.
ValidatedInfo |
Class to get the information back after content is validated.
ValidationContext |
ValidationContext has all the information required for the
validation of: id, idref, entity, notation, qname
ValidationManager |
ValidationManager is a coordinator property for validators in the
ValidationState |
Implementation of the ValidationContext interface.
ValueStore |
Interface for storing values associated to an identity constraint.
Version |
This class defines the version number of the parser.
VisitAfterIf |
Visit If annotation.
VisitAfterReport |
Visit after report annotation.
VisitBeforeIf |
Visit If annotation.
VisitBeforeReport |
Visit before report annotation.
VisitExecutionEvent<F,T extends Visitor> |
Element Visit Event.
Visitor |
Applies operations on events.
VisitorAppender |
Vistor appender.
VisitorMemento<T> |
VisitPhase |
DOM Phase phase enumerations.
VisitReport |
Annotation constants.
VisitSequence |
Element visit sequence.
XHTMLSerializer |
XInclude11TextReader |
This class is used for reading resources requested in <include> elements in
XML 1.1 entities, when the parse attribute of the <include> element is "text".
XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration |
This class is the configuration used to parse XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 documents
and provides support for XInclude.
XIncludeHandler |
This is a pipeline component which performs XInclude handling, according to the
W3C specification for XML Inclusions.
XIncludeHandler.Notation |
XIncludeHandler.UnparsedEntity |
XIncludeMessageFormatter |
XIncludeMessageFormatter provides error messages for the XInclude 1.0 Candidate Recommendation
XIncludeNamespaceSupport |
This is an implementation of NamespaceContext which is intended to be used for
XInclude processing.
XIncludeParserConfiguration |
This parser configuration includes an XIncludeHandler in the pipeline
before the schema validator, or as the last component in the pipeline if there is
no schema validator.
XIncludeTextReader |
This class is used for reading resources requested in <include> elements,
when the parse attribute of the <include> element is "text".
XInt |
XIntPool |
XML11Char |
This class defines the basic properties of characters in XML 1.1.
XML11Configurable |
An XMLParserConfiguration implements this interface
in order to indicate that it provides support for XML 1.1.
XML11Configuration |
This class is the configuration used to parse XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 documents.
XML11DocumentScannerImpl |
This class is responsible for scanning XML document structure
and content.
XML11DTDConfiguration |
This class is the DTD-only parser configuration
used to parse XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 documents.
XML11DTDDVFactoryImpl |
the factory to create/return built-in XML 1.1 DVs and create user-defined DVs
XML11DTDProcessor |
This class extends XMLDTDProcessor by giving it
the ability to parse XML 1.1 documents correctly.
XML11DTDScannerImpl |
This class is responsible for scanning the declarations found
in the internal and external subsets of a DTD in an XML document.
XML11DTDValidator |
This allows the validator to correctlyhandle XML 1.1
XML11EntityScanner |
Implements the entity scanner methods in
the context of XML 1.1.
XML11IDDatatypeValidator |
IDDatatypeValidator - ID represents the ID attribute
type from XML 1.1 Recommendation.
XML11IDREFDatatypeValidator |
IDREFDatatypeValidator - represents the IDREFS
attribute type from XML 1.1 recommendation.
XML11NamespaceBinder |
This class performs namespace binding on the startElement and endElement
method calls in accordance with Namespaces in XML 1.1.
XML11NMTOKENDatatypeValidator |
NMTOKEN datatype validator for NMTokens from XML 1.1.
XML11NonValidatingConfiguration |
This class is the non validating parser configuration
used to parse XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 documents.
XML11NSDocumentScannerImpl |
The scanner acts as the source for the document
information which is communicated to the document handler.
XML11NSDTDValidator |
The DTD validator.
XML11Serializer |
XMLAttributeDecl |
XMLAttributes |
The XMLAttributes interface defines a collection of attributes for
an element.
XMLAttributesImpl |
The XMLAttributesImpl class is an implementation of the XMLAttributes
interface which defines a collection of attributes for an element.
XMLChar |
This class defines the basic XML character properties.
XMLComponent |
The component interface defines methods that must be implemented
by components in a parser configuration.
XMLComponentManager |
The component manager manages a parser configuration and the components
that make up that configuration.
XMLConfigurationException |
An XNI parser configuration exception.
XMLContentSpec |
ContentSpec really exists to aid the parser classes in implementing
access to the grammar.
XMLContentSpec.Provider |
Provides a means for walking the structure built out of
content spec "nodes".
XMLDocumentFilter |
Defines a document filter that acts as both a receiver and an emitter
of document events.
XMLDocumentFragmentHandler |
This handler interface contains methods necessary to receive
information about document elements and content.
XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl |
This class is responsible for scanning the structure and content
of document fragments.
XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.Dispatcher |
This interface defines an XML "event" dispatching model.
XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.ElementStack |
Element stack.
XMLDocumentHandler |
The document handler interface defines callback methods to report
information items in XML documents.
XMLDocumentParser |
This is a concrete vanilla XML parser class.
XMLDocumentScanner |
This interface defines a generic document scanner.
XMLDocumentScannerImpl |
This class is responsible for scanning XML document structure
and content.
XMLDocumentSource |
Defines a document source.
XMLDTDContentModelFilter |
Defines a DTD content model filter that acts as both a receiver and
an emitter of DTD content model events.
XMLDTDContentModelHandler |
The DTD content model handler interface defines callback methods
to report information items in DTD content models of an element
XMLDTDContentModelSource |
Defines a DTD content model source.
XMLDTDDescription |
All information specific to DTD grammars.
XMLDTDDescription |
All information specific to DTD grammars.
XMLDTDFilter |
Defines a DTD filter that acts as both a receiver and an emitter
of DTD events.
XMLDTDHandler |
The DTD handler interface defines callback methods to report
information items in the DTD of an XML document.
XMLDTDLoader |
The DTD loader.
XMLDTDProcessor |
The DTD processor.
XMLDTDScanner |
This interface defines a generic DTD scanner.
XMLDTDScannerImpl |
This class is responsible for scanning the declarations found
in the internal and external subsets of a DTD in an XML document.
XMLDTDSource |
Defines a DTD source.
XMLDTDValidator |
The DTD validator.
XMLDTDValidatorFilter |
Defines a DTD Validator filter to allow
components to query the DTD validator.
XMLElementDecl |
XMLEntityDecl |
XMLEntityDescription |
This interface describes the properties of entities--their
physical location and their name.
XMLEntityDescriptionImpl |
This class is an implementation of the XMLEntityDescription
interface which describes the properties of an entity.
XMLEntityHandler |
The entity handler interface defines methods to report information
about the start and end of entities.
XMLEntityManager |
The entity manager handles the registration of general and parameter
entities; resolves entities; and starts entities.
XMLEntityManager.Entity |
Entity information.
XMLEntityManager.ExternalEntity |
External entity.
XMLEntityManager.InternalEntity |
Internal entity.
XMLEntityResolver |
This interface is used to resolve external parsed entities.
XMLEntityScanner |
Implements the entity scanner methods.
XMLErrorHandler |
An interface for handling errors.
XMLErrorReporter |
This class is a common element of all parser configurations and is
used to report errors that occur.
XMLEventFactoryImpl |
Implementation of XMLEventFactory.
XMLGrammarCachingConfiguration |
This configuration provides a generic way of using
Xerces's grammar caching facilities.
XMLGrammarDescription |
This interface describes basic attributes of XML grammars--their
physical location and their type.
XMLGrammarLoader |
The intention of this interface is to provide a generic means
by which Grammar objects may be created without parsing instance
XMLGrammarParser |
XMLGrammarPool |
This interface specifies how the parser and the application
interact with respect to Grammar objects that the application
possesses--either by having precompiled them or by having stored them
from a previous validation of an instance document.
XMLGrammarPoolImpl |
Stores grammars in a pool associated to a specific key.
XMLGrammarPoolImpl.Entry |
This class is a grammar pool entry.
XMLGrammarPreparser |
This class provides an easy way for a user to preparse grammars
of various types.
XmlGregorianCalendarToStringConverterFactory |
XMLInputSource |
This class represents an input source for an XML document.
XMLLocator |
Location information.
XMLLocatorWrapper |
A light wrapper around an XMLLocator .
XMLMessageFormatter |
XMLMessageFormatter provides error messages for the XML 1.0 Recommendation and for
the Namespaces Recommendation
XMLNamespaceBinder |
This class performs namespace binding on the startElement and endElement
method calls and passes all other methods through to the registered
document handler.
XMLNotationDecl |
XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl |
The scanner acts as the source for the document
information which is communicated to the document handler.
XMLNSDTDValidator |
The DTD validator.
XMLParseException |
A parsing exception.
XMLParser |
Base class of all XML-related parsers.
XMLParserConfiguration |
Represents a parser configuration.
XMLPullParserConfiguration |
Represents a parser configuration that can be used as the
configuration for a "pull" parser.
XMLReaderHierarchyChangeListener |
ExecutionContext aware XMLReader change listener.
XmlResourceConfigLoader |
XmlResourceConfigLoader.SmooksConfig |
XMLResourceIdentifier |
This represents the basic physical description of the location of any
XML resource (a Schema grammar, a DTD, a general entity etc.)
XMLResourceIdentifierImpl |
The XMLResourceIdentifierImpl class is an implementation of the
XMLResourceIdentifier interface which defines the location identity
of a resource.
XMLScanner |
This class is responsible for holding scanning methods common to
scanning the XML document structure and content as well as the DTD
structure and content.
XMLSchemaDescription |
All information specific to XML Schema grammars.
XMLSchemaException |
This exception might be thrown by any constraint checking method.
XMLSchemaFactory |
XMLSchemaLoader |
This class implements xni.grammars.XMLGrammarLoader.
XMLSchemaValidator |
The XML Schema validator.
XMLSchemaValidator.LocalIDKey |
XMLSchemaValidator.ShortVector |
A simple vector for short s.
XMLSchemaValidator.XPathMatcherStack |
Stack of XPath matchers for identity constraints.
XMLSerializer |
XMLSimpleType |
XMLString |
This class is used as a structure to pass text contained in the underlying
character buffer of the scanner.
XMLStringBuffer |
XMLString is a structure used to pass character arrays.
XMLSymbols |
All internalized xml symbols.
XmlUtils |
XMl utility methods.
Document validation types.
XMLVersionDetector |
This class scans the version of the document to determine
which scanner to use: XML 1.1 or XML 1.0.
XNIException |
This exception is the base exception of all XNI exceptions.
XPath |
Bare minimum XPath parser.
XPath.Axis |
XPath.LocationPath |
A location path representation for an XPath expression.
XPath.NodeTest |
Node test.
XPath.Step |
A location path step comprised of an axis and node test.
XPathException |
XPath exception.
XPathMatcher |
XPath matcher.
XPointerHandler |
This is a pipeline component which extends the XIncludeHandler to perform
XPointer specific processing specified in the W3C XPointerFramework and
element() Scheme Recommendations.
XPointerParserConfiguration |
This parser configuration includes an XPointerHandler in the pipeline
before the schema validator, or as the last component in the pipeline if there is
no schema validator.
XPointerPart |
Used for scheme specific parsing and evaluation of an XPointer expression.
XPointerProcessor |
The XPointerProcessor is responsible for parsing an XPointer
expression and and providing scheme specific resolution of
the document fragment pointed to be the pointer.
XS10TypeHelper |
Class defining utility/helper methods to support XML Schema 1.0 implementation.
XSAllCM implements XSCMValidator and handles <all>.
XSAnnotation |
This interface represents the Annotation schema component.
XSAnnotationImpl |
This is an implementation of the XSAnnotation schema component.
XSAttributeChecker |
Class XSAttributeCheck is used to check the validity of attributes
appearing in the schema document.
XSAttributeDecl |
The XML representation for an attribute declaration
schema component is an <attribute> element information item
XSAttributeDeclaration |
The interface represents the Attribute Declaration schema component.
XSAttributeGroupDecl |
The XML representation for an attribute group declaration
schema component is a global <attributeGroup> element information item
XSAttributeGroupDefinition |
This interface represents the Attribute Group Definition schema component.
XSAttributeUse |
This interface represents the Attribute Use schema component.
XSAttributeUseImpl |
The XML representation for an attribute use
schema component is a local <attribute> element information item
Content model Bin-Op node.
XSCMLeaf |
Content model leaf node.
XSCMRepeatingLeaf |
A compound content model leaf node which carries occurence information.
Content model Uni-Op node.
XSCMValidator |
Note: State of the content model is stored in the validator
XSComplexTypeDecl |
The XML representation for a complexType
schema component is a <complexType> element information item
XSComplexTypeDefinition |
This interface represents the Complex Type Definition schema component.
XSConstants |
This interface defines constants used by this specification.
XSConstraints |
Constraints shared by traversers and validator
XSDateTime |
Interface to expose the values for all date-time related types.
XSDDescription |
All information specific to XML Schema grammars.
XsdDOMValidator |
XSD DOM Validator.
XSDecimal |
Interface to expose the value of 'decimal' and related datatypes.
XSDeclarationPool |
This class is pool that enables caching of XML Schema declaration objects.
DFAContentModel is the implementation of XSCMValidator that does
all of the non-trivial element content validation.
XSDHandler |
The purpose of this class is to co-ordinate the construction of a
grammar object corresponding to a schema.
XSDouble |
Interface to expose the value of the 'double' datatype.
XsdValidator |
XSD Validator.
XSElementDecl |
The XML representation for an element declaration
schema component is an <element> element information item
XSElementDeclaration |
The interface represents the Element Declaration schema component.
XSElementDeclHelper |
XSEmptyCM |
XSEmptyCM is a derivative of the abstract content model base class that
handles a content model with no children (elements).
XSException |
The XML Schema API operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional"
circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impossible to perform (either
for logical reasons, because data is lost, or because the implementation
has become unstable).
XSFacet |
Describes a constraining facet.
XSFacets |
XSFloat |
Interface to expose value of the float datatype.
XSGrammar |
Representing a schema grammar.
XSGrammarBucket |
A class used to hold the internal schema grammar set for the current instance
XSGrammarPool |
Add a method that return an XSModel that represents components in
the schema grammars in this pool implementation.
XSGrammarPoolContainer |
A container for grammar pools which only contain schema grammars.
XSGroupDecl |
The XML representation for a group declaration
schema component is a global <group> element information item
XSIDCDefinition |
This interface represents the Identity-constraint Definition schema
XSImplementation |
This interface allows one to retrieve an instance of XSLoader .
XSImplementationImpl |
Implements XSImplementation interface that allows one to retrieve an instance of XSLoader .
XSInputSource |
XSLoader |
An interface that provides a method to load XML Schema documents.
XSLoaderImpl |
An implementation of XSLoader which wraps XMLSchemaLoader.
XSMessageFormatter |
SchemaMessageProvider implements an XMLMessageProvider that
provides localizable error messages for the W3C XML Schema Language
XSModel |
This interface represents an XML Schema.
XSModelGroup |
This interface represents the Model Group schema component.
XSModelGroupDefinition |
This interface represents the Model Group Definition schema component.
XSModelGroupImpl |
Store schema model group declaration.
XSModelImpl |
Implements XSModel: a read-only interface that represents an XML Schema,
which could be components from different namespaces.
XSMultiValueFacet |
Describes a multi-value constraining facets: pattern and enumeration.
XSNamedMap |
Objects implementing the XSNamedMap interface are used to
represent immutable collections of XML Schema components that can be
accessed by name.
XSNamedMap4Types |
Contains the map between qnames and XSObject's.
XSNamedMapImpl |
Contains the map between qnames and XSObject's.
XSNamespaceItem |
The interface represents the namespace schema information information item.
XSNamespaceItemList |
The XSNamesaceItemList interface provides the abstraction of
an immutable ordered collection of XSNamespaceItem s, without
defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
XSNotationDecl |
The XML representation for a NOTATION declaration
schema component is a global <notation> element information item
XSNotationDeclaration |
This interface represents the Notation Declaration schema component.
XSObject |
The XSObject is a base object for the XML Schema component
XSObjectList |
The XSObjectList interface provides the abstraction of an
immutable ordered collection of XSObject s, without defining
or constraining how this collection is implemented.
XSObjectListImpl |
Contains a list of XSObjects.
XSParticle |
This interface represents the Particle schema component.
XSParticleDecl |
Store schema particle declaration.
XSQName |
Interface to expose QName actual values
XSSimpleType |
This interface XSSimpleType represents the simple type
definition of schema component and defines methods to query the information
XSSimpleTypeDecl |
XSSimpleTypeDefinition |
This interface represents the Simple Type Definition schema component.
XSSimpleTypeDelegate |
Base class for XSSimpleType wrapper implementations.
XSTerm |
Describes a term that can be one of a model group, a wildcard, or an
element declaration.
XStreamXMLReader |
XSTypeDefinition |
This interface represents a complex or simple type definition.
XSValue |
Represents an actual value of a simple type.
XSWildcard |
This interface represents the Wildcard schema component.
XSWildcardDecl |
The XML representation for a wildcard declaration
schema component is an <any> or <anyAttribute> element information item
YearDV |
Validator for <gYear> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
YearMonthDV |
Validator for <gYearMonth> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)