Class XsdDOMValidator

  • public class XsdDOMValidator
    extends XsdValidator
    XSD DOM Validator.

    Iterates through the document (DOM) gathering the namespaces. It validates based on the convention that the gathered namespace XSDs are provided on the classpath. It uses the namespace path (URI.getPath()), prepending it with "/META-INF" to perform a classpath resource lookup for the XSD i.e. the XSDs must be provided on the classpath below the "META-INF" package.

    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultNamespace

        public URI getDefaultNamespace()
      • getNamespaces

        public List<URI> getNamespaces()
      • getDefaultNamespace

        public static String getDefaultNamespace​(Element element)
        Get the default namespace associated with the supplied element.
        element - The element to be checked.
        The default namespace, or null if none was found.