Class LocalEntityResolver

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalEntityResolver

        public LocalEntityResolver​(String entityCPLocation)
        Public Constructor.
        entityCPLocation - Entity classpath location.
      • LocalEntityResolver

        public LocalEntityResolver​(File localEntityFolder)
        Public default Constructor

        This constructor allows specification of a local file system folder from which Entitys can be loaded.

        localEntityFolder - Local Entity folder.
    • Method Detail

      • clearEntityCache

        public static void clearEntityCache()
        Clear the entity cache.
      • getDocType

        public String getDocType()
        Get the document type.

        This is a bit of a hack. There's a way of getting the DOM parser to populate the DocumentType.

        The Document type (systemId).
      • setDocType

        public void setDocType​(String docType)
        Set the document type for the resolver.
        docType - Primary document type.