Java binding configuration template generator.
From the commandline:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath <classpath> org.milyn.javabean.gen.ConfigGenerator -c <rootBeanClass> -o <outputFilePath> [-p <propertiesFilePath>]
- The "-c" commandline arg specifies the root class of the model whose binding config is to be generated.
- The "-o" commandline arg specifies the path and filename for the generated config output.
- The "-p" commandline arg specifies the path and filename optional binding configuration file that specifies aditional binding parameters.
The optional "-p" properties file parameter allows specification of additional config parameters:
- packages.included: Semi-colon separated list of packages. Any fields in the class matching these packages will be included in the binding configuration generated.
- packages.excluded: Semi-colon separated list of packages. Any fields in the class matching these packages will be excluded from the binding configuration generated.